Get The Daily(ish) Advocate Email Newsletter

Adjust those readers, finish your stretches, and pop the multi-vitamin that is this newsletter. The Daily(ish) Advocate serves up powerful portions of actionable digital marketing wisdom for middle-aged biz owners.

To Our Fellow Middle-Aged Business Owners-

If you want to learn about the hot new marketing trends on TikTok, BeReal or whatever the hell Zuck’s metaverse is supposed to be… then we’re not your brand of whiskey.

It’s not because we’re stubborn old farts afraid of so-shill media or Web3.0.

We’ve just lived through too many Betamaxes, Blackberrys and MySpaces to get all hot and bothered by the latest rage all the “cool kids” are yammering about.

We don’t have time to chase the latest bright, shiny objects…

Time is ticking. We’ve got kids to put through college. Retirement staring us in the face. Other things we want to accomplish in life.

So our preferred MO is to focus on proven, time-tested, effective digital marketing tools, tactics and strategies. We want to share these things with you. Including:

  • Exactly what use to manage and grow the 17 websites we own and monetize through affiliate marketing, ad revenue and e-commerce sales.
  • How we use to manage and grow the websites of the select number of clients we work with (from smaller local businesses to large e-commerce sites to Fortune 100 companies).
  • Mistakes and obstacles we see too many of our fellow business owners needlessly struggle with as they try to take their businesses to the next level. 

Together, the 4 middle-aged marketing nerds behind The Marketing Advocate have about 80 years of experience in the digital marketing world in a wide range of areas…

  • SEO
  • E-commerce
  • Paid ads
  • Website development/security
  • Analytics
  • Email marketing
  • And more! 

In the Daily(ish) Advocate, we’ll cover our insights about…

… what we’re using to grow our websites that are working really well
… the things we and/or clients have tried that haven’t worked out so hot
… the huge impact AI and machine learning are how having on digital marketing campaigns (for better AND for worse)
… how to protect your biz from the Big Tech Bullies, Agency Snake Oil Salesmen (we call them ASOS), False Gurus and other ne’er do wells prowling the web trying to chip away at your retirement funds…

And we do this all through entertaining, educational, daily(ish) emails that mix actionable marketing advice with WAY more references to 80s movies, receding hairlines and colonoscopies than your average marketing newsletter.

So to get proven, powerful digital marketing insights to help you grow you biz to the next level, enter your email address below.

Tick… tick… tick…

Your Middle-Aged Marketing Advocates

Sign Up Here To Get The Daily(ish) Advocate


Your emails are on my short list, up there with Harvard Business Review. 🙂

Ron Person, 3-Time Startup Founder & Entreprenuerial Coach

I love your emails. I’m glad you’re sending them out again. Very funny. It’s the first thing I read when I get to work.

Bob Sommers, 5 Star Review System

I can count on one hand the emails I get that I consider “must read.” The Daily(ish) Advocate makes the cut. When that email lands in my inbox, I drop what I’m doing and read it from top to bottom. Never a “distraction.” The email always rewards me.

Tom Ruwitch, Story Power Marketing

I can’t think of a nearly daily marketing email that I tolerate in my inbox, let alone read most of the time. You’ve got good headlines, interesting stories, and an honest call-to-action at the end (so I know it’s not hidden somewhere else). Strong work.

Dr. Tom S, MD

When I met Adam, I quickly discovered he was a Google AdWords and marketing genius. Little did I know, he was an even better writer.

I look forward to receiving Adam’s “dailyish” Marketing Advocate emails. The emails are always educational, provocative, entertaining and nothing like you’ve ever read. Many mornings my wife asks me why I’m laughing out loud as I read his emails. She’s even become a big fan and she knows absolutely nothing about marketing.

When was the last time you couldn’t wait to receive an email from someone? The Marketing Advocate emails will be among your “must-read” items every morning.

Ted Prodromou, Search Marketing Simplified

I don’t understand what you write about but it’s good to get regular emails from you, my son! Would it kill you to call me once in a while? You’ll never believe what our no-good neighbors did this time. Also, you know my friend Brenda with the big…

My mother

Get Off Our (Digital) Lawn!

…and subscribe now to get on our email list. You’ll get the strategies, tactics and tools we use to grow our own websites – and the websites of the select clients we work with – all delivered to your Inbox in a font size that’s easy on the eyes.